Why Acupuncture?
Pain Management
People use acupuncture for various types of pain. Back pain is the most commonly reported use, followed by joint pain, neck pain, and headache.
Emotional Disorders
Emotional and psychological disorders including anxiety, depression, and insomnia can improve with acupuncture treatments.
No Needle Method
A "pain-free" alternative to acupuncture that leads to real results via needleless methods, including Laser Acupuncture, Cupping, and Ear Seeds.
Initial Consultation including AcuGraph and Acupuncture Treatment (90 min one-on-one session)
Traditional Acupuncture Services
$85 per session (60 min)
$400 for a package of 5 Acupuncture sessions
$777 for a package of 10 Acupuncture sessions
Accepted forms of payment: Cash, HSA/FSA, Credit cards, Check, and Precious Metals
Office Hours
Monday - Friday: 7am-2pm
Wednesday: 9am-6pm
By appointment only.
Please download and complete the following forms prior to your first visit. If you are having trouble viewing the forms, please click here for Adobe PDF Reader.